Syntropic Agroforestry and Permaculture Training Course July 2022
Reconnect deeply with nature and learn the Permaculture Basics
We are extremely excited to introduce you to our course at Nyota’s Organic Green Garden in Lwala Village, located between Sare Awendo and Uriri. Building a learning-hub to provide tools, knowledge and experience for your regenerative journey is a very important part of our mission. Syntropic Agriculture is where it all started for this project. After Working with community for over 10 years, Caleb was inspired to establish the best food forest in Kenya, see the video Life with Syntropic food forest, Caleb was inspired to change his life and apply these principles to disrupt our foodsystems. Diving into the principles, methods and practicalities of Syntropic Agroforestry together on our farm is a dream comes true! Caleb decided to bring a team of Permaculture expert to transfer this life changing Syntropic Agroforestry knowledge to small scale farmers who are most vulnerable to impact of climate change and also we work with student, teachers and opinion leaders as change makers (behavior change strategy) through training and practical demonstration.

Syntropic Agroforestry
Permaculture Training
July 11 – 15th 2022
This Course is created for the serious land restorations, farmer and people who are passionate about transforming the food growing system for sustainability and food security. In 5 days of intensive Boot-camp training and on-site case study, you’ll be guided through the most essential steps in creating the best Syntropic Agroforestry design with a perennial crop based regenerative agricultural design mix. With the stunning context of the sub Saharan climate, we will work as a team to gather essential site data, understand the local weather pattern, understand local economy, evaluate tree cropping potential, and do real work implementing syntropic agroforestry plantings on the land. Our experienced instructors, Caleb Omollo, Steven Otieno and Roland Van Reenen will guide you with extensive knowledge from the worlds of permaculture, ecosystem restoration and agro-ecology.

Roland van Reenen
– Lead Trainer –
Syntropic Agro forestry Designer/ Expert

Caleb Omollo
– Co Trainer –
Syntropic Agro forestry Expert/
Director Sustainable Village Resources

Steven Otieno
– Co Trainer –
Permaculture Trainer Director
Permaculture Associates
About the Trainers
Roland van Reenen – Roland is a designer, Educator and Consultant for regenerative social and Land based Ecosystem. Born in 1964 in the Netherlands Roland always had a curiosity for nature and cultural diversity. He is a certified teacher for primary; In 1998 he started a career in the organic food industry as the manager of what became in 2000 thevery first organic supermarket in the Netherlands. Beside this work he studied the science of ayurveda and different other natural healing techniques. In 2015, he moved to Curacao in the Caribbean with a solid mission in his mind: to research howPermaculture could make a difference in a drought stricken deforestated area. With zero budgets heestablished a food forest around his house and started to give workshops. In the same time he starteda weekly organic food subscription for about 80 subscribers bringing organic food direct from the farmer to the consume. In 2019, also he has been asked by the government to become a mentor for the Regenerative Organic Agriculture Program provided by the Maharishi University in Iowa. In June, he started a function as a mentor for courses in hydroponics presented by the University of the West Indies in Trinidad.
Caleb Omollo – We have been inspired by Caleb Omollo since the beginning of our journey to regenerate our environment, and his driven personality to make the world a better place has really touched us. Today Caleb is not only a renowned trainer, a friend of nature but also our mentor of Climate conscious Farmers and individuals in East Africa. Caleb Omolo is the founder and Director at Sustainable Village Resources (SVR). A food forest Advocate and Permaculture trainer with over 10 years experience in Permaculture Design projects. He holds Bachelor of Science degree from State University of New York at New Paltz New York from 1980 to 1983. Worked for Developmental Resources cooperation from 1984 to 2008. In 2010 to present works as consultant for many organizations training permaculture and Regenerative farming in Kenya and East Africa.

• Introduction to Permaculture
• Permaculture and Syntropic Agroforestry
• History and principles of syntropic agroforestry
• Management of syntropic agroforestry systems
• Strata: How plants behave in their environment
• Natural succession: How the system develops through succeeding plants
• Mulching: The importance of keeping the soil covered with organic matter
• Planting practical implementation of planting planning on the field
• How to make BOKASHI

KES 20,000 ($200)
KES 25,000 ($250)