
about Nyota e.V. for Children in Africa

Nyota e.V. is a non-profit organization that has been working towards sustainable development in Western Kenya since 2003. All members of the German organization work on a voluntary basis, ensuring that every penny donated goes directly towards supporting their projects. Nyota e.V. aims to create a sustainable impact in Kenya by focusing on education, nutrition, health, and the environment. Our ultimate goal is to promote self-sufficiency and break the cycle of poverty in the communities we serve – Lwala Region in Western Kenya, Nyanza Province.

Education and Children’s Healthcare

Education is crucial in breaking the cycle of poverty. Many orphans and vulnerable children in Western Kenya lack access to education, which is why Nyota e.V. strives to provide them with access to schooling. We do this by running a kindergarten and facilitating school sponsorships, ensuring that every child has access to education. Nyota e.V. also focuses on providing basic healthcare to the children we serve. We believe that access to healthcare is a fundamental right and work to ensure that the children we support have access to medical care when they need it.

„Nyota“ (Swahili) means „star“ – a symbol of hope.

The Nyota e.V. association was founded in Mannheim in 2003 with the goal of helping orphaned children and youth in western Kenya, with a focus on self-help.

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Community Empowerment through Sustainable Organic Agriculture

We support small-scale farmers in Western Kenya through sustainable farming practices that help to improve food security. We believe that by promoting environmentally-friendly agricultural practices, we can help to ensure that the communities we serve have access to healthy, nutritious food. We also aim to empower children and young people by involving them in our agricultural projects, thereby teaching them vital skills that will help them to provide for themselves and their communities in the future.

Nyota e.V. has been working towards its goals in West Kenya since 2003. Since then, the organization has been making a significant difference in the lives of underprivileged children and families in the region. Nyota e.V. operates on a grassroots level and all its members work on a voluntary basis to ensure that all donations go directly to projects that benefit children in Kenya.

In addition to supporting education, health, and nutrition projects, Nyota e.V. has been running its own kindergarten for orphans since 2008. The organization also runs a sponsorship program that provides over 200 children and teenagers with access to education, healthcare, and a brighter future.

Nyota e.V.’s approach to development cooperation is characterized by sustainability, empowerment, and respect for local cultures. The organization has already achieved a lot, but there is still much work to be done. You can join Nyota e.V. in making a difference by donating to their projects. Every donation, no matter how small, can help create a better future for children in Kenya. Your contribution is highly appreciated.

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